Podcast Collaboration Agreement

This is A Single-Use Contract Unless Purchased with a Subscription

Last Revision


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A Podcast Collaboration Agreement is a legal contract between individuals or entities who join forces to produce a podcast together. This agreement covers the duties each member assumes for the podcast production process because this agreement records how the parties intend to collaborate and share responsibilities, ownership, and revenues of the Podcast.

Every great partnership starts with a great agreement! And if you are collaborating on a Podcast with someone, you need to get the basic terms in writing!

It covers the essential elements of the relationship:

  • Work Schedule
  • Ownership Rights
  • Release Date
  • Name of Podcast
  • Use Rights of Recording
  • Revenue splits between collab partners
  • And More!


Setting out the rights and responsibilities in any partnership is essential and a great way to avoid confrontation down the road.

It sets forth the roles and responsibilities necessary to make a podcast happen and your collaboration successful!

Our Industry-Standard contracts are all drafted by media and entertainment attorneys to make sure you have the right agreements to protect your work and your productions.

Other names for this Document:

Podcast Contract Collaboration, Collaboration Agreement, Podcast Collaboration Contract, Collaboration Agreement for Podcast, Podcast Partnership Agreement, Podcast Collab Agreement, Collaboration Agreement Template, Collaboration Contract.

Approximate time to complete contract:  6-7 Minutes

Single-Use Contract Unless Purchased with a Subscription

What is it?

The Podcast Collaboration Agreement covers the essential contract terms between the Collaborators that cover the duties each member assumes for the podcast production process.

This standard podcast contract covers:

  • The Start Date of the Agreement
  • The name of the Podcast
  • The Date of the Podcast
  • The Use Rights of the Recording, including promotion and advertising rights.
  • The Rights and Responsibilities of the Parties
  • Work-For-Hire Language
  • Ownership and Revenues
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution Issues, including Venue & Choice of Law

How does it work?

Use this document to explain the relationship between the Podcast Collaborators.

Some things needed to build your custom Podcast Collaboration Agreement:

  • Names of the Parties
  • Addresses of the Parties
  • Emails of the Parties
  • Name of the Podcast Production
  • Dates of Recording
  • State for Venue and Choice Provisions

Once you have completed drafting the Podcast Collaboration Agreement, you will be able to save to edit further, download a PDF or send to the other party for electronic signature.