Stage Manager Contract
This is A Single-Use Contract Unless Purchased with a Subscription
Last Revision
- A month ago
- Word & PDF
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The stage manager acts as a right hand to the director; oversees sets, props, lights, and sound; and calls all technical cues during performances. The Stage Manager Contract secures the relationship between the Company or Producer and the Stage Manager.
This contract is a legal document that details the terms and conditions between the Stage Manager and the Producer.
This Stage Manager Contract is an industry-standard contract that contains all essential terms. It includes all the important dates, compensation, duties, management of budgets, and more. It can be customized to fit your play’s unique needs.
This is the fastest, easiest way to create professional contracts for your play or musical for the big stage, a community theater, or anywhere else. This is an industry-standard contract designed to be customized specifically for your live theater production.
Other names for this Document:
Live Theater Stage Manager Contract, Stage Manager Agreement, Stage Manager Agreement for Theater, Stage Management Contract, Stage Manager Contract, Stage Manager Contract Template, Contract for Stage Manager.
Approximate time to complete contract:Â 4-5 Minutes
Single-Use Contract Unless Purchased with a Subscription
What is it?
The Stage Manager Contract covers the essential contract terms between the Stage Manager and the Producer.
This standard Live Theater contract covers:
- The Start Date of the Agreement
- The name of the Play
- The Release of Rights
- The Use Rights of the Recording, including promotion and advertising rights.
- The Rights and Responsibilities of the Parties
- Work-For-Hire Language
- Alternative Dispute Resolution Issues, including Venue & Choice of Law
How does it work?
Use this document to explain the relationship between the Stage Manager and the Producer.
Some things needed to build your custom Stage Manager Contract:
- Names of the Parties
- Addresses of the Parties
- Emails of the Parties
- Name of the Play
- Dates of Recording
- State for Venue and Choice Provisions
Once you have completed drafting the Stage Manager Contract, you will be able to save to edit further, download a PDF or send to the other party for electronic signature.