Independent Television production is a complex area that needs to have specific industry-standard contracts.
Whether you are producing on spec or for a specific broadcast channel it is important to have the right contracts in place.
There are so many opportunities for broadcast in the new creator economy but you can’t distribute or get on a NetFlix or Hulu without the right contracts and a clean Chain-of-Title.
Drafted by Lawyers, Trusted by Creators
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Hiring a Director for your Independent Television Production? TV Director Agreement for Single Episode or entire Series. Get the right contract in place.
Hiring an Editor for your independent Television Production? Make sure to get the right contract in place. Editor Agreement between the Production company and
Hiring General Crew for Your Television Production? This Contract is the Right One. TV General Crew for Production Designer, Grip, Sound Engineer, or any
The Photography License Agreement to License Photos or Images for your TV Production. Television Photography License Agreement to clear photos for your TV Production.
TV Prop Designer Agreement for work-for-hire TV Production fully customizable for your productions’ unique needs. It contains all essential terms and conditions for the
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