Live Theater Actor Contract
This is A Single-Use Contract Unless Purchased with a Subscription
Last Revision
- A month ago
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The Live Theater Actor Agreement has all the elements for you to secure the proper rights, full schedule, compensation, actor roles, and responsibilities. It even includes when to show up at the theater.
This contract is a legal document that details the terms and conditions between a Theater Company and the Actor.
This Acting Contracthas all the essential terms from compensation to the performance schedule. You can customize this contract for any production from Broadway to a local community production.
The power of theatre lies in its capacity to connect the audience directly with the onstage actors through a single shared experience. Success here can make or break an actor’s reputation just as an improper contract can derail an entire production. With this contract in place, you can rest easy knowing that all of your bases are covered when it comes to casting and hiring an actor for your play.
Other names for this Document:
Live Theater Contract, Play Actor Agreement, Actor Contract for Live Theater, Actor Contract, Stage Play Actor Agreement.
Approximate time to complete contract:Â 8-10 Minutes
Single-Use Contract Unless Purchased with a Subscription
What is it?
The Live Theater Acting Contract covers the essential contract terms between a Theater Company and the Actor.
This standard Stage Play contract covers:
- The Start Date of the Agreement
- The name of the Play
- The Release of Rights
- The Use Rights of the Recording, including promotion and advertising rights.
- The Rights and Responsibilities of the Parties
- Work-For-Hire Language
- Alternative Dispute Resolution Issues, including Venue & Choice of Law
How does it work?
Use this document to explain the relationship between a Theater Company and the Actor.
Some things needed to build your custom Actor Agreement:
- Names of the Parties
- Addresses of the Parties
- Emails of the Parties
- Name of the Play
- Dates of Recording
- State for Venue and Choice Provisions
Once you have completed drafting the Actor Agreement, you will be able to save to edit further, download a PDF or send to the other party for electronic signature.
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