NFT Brand Ambassador Agreement

This is A Single-Use Contract Unless Purchased with a Subscription

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An NFT Brand Ambassador refers to an individual who acts as a representative or advocates for a specific brand or project within the non-fungible token (NFT) space. NFT brand ambassadors are typically influential figures or well-known personalities within the NFT community who help promote and raise awareness about a particular brand, project, or collection of NFTs. If you are an NFT Developer that wants to work with a Talent or Celebrity to create excitement and audience engagement around your future NFT drops then you will need the NFT Brand Ambassador Agreement.

Having a good contract is not only about being legal but about running your business in the right way and making sure your relationships with those you work with are good from the beginning. Make sure you protect yourself by using the right type of contract.

Creating an NFT contract ensures that the parties making the agreement will have all the proper terms and conditions laid out in advance of the engagement.

Other Names for this Document:

Non-Fungible Token Celebrity Ambassador Agreement, NFT Ambassador Agreement, NFT Celebrity Development Agreement, NFT Brand Agreement, NFT Agreement Template.

Approximate time to complete contract: 6 Minutes

Single-Use Contract Unless Purchased with a Subscription

What is it?

The NFT Brand Ambassador Agreement covers the essential contract terms between an NFT Brand and a Brand Ambassador:

  •  The Length of Term of the Engagement
  • The Scope of the Duties of the Brand Ambassador
  • The Requirements the NFT Brand Ambassador must complete
  • The Obligations and Duties of the NFT Brand
  • The Compensation for the Brand Ambassador and contingent compensation, if any
  • The Rights and Responsibilities of the Parties, including Appearances and Brand Immersion Days
  • The Payment Terms to the NFT Brand Ambassador
  • Work-For-Hire Language
  • The transfer of intellectual property rights, if any
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution Issues, including Venue & Choice of Law
  • Termination of the NFT Brand Ambassador Agreement in the event of non-performance

How does it work?

Use this document to explain the relationship between the NFT Brand and the NFT Brand Ambassador.

Some things needed to build your custom creator NFT contract:

  • Names of the Parties
  • Addresses of the Parties
  • Emails of the Parties
  • Dates of Immersion Days and/or Appearance Days
  • Compensation for the Brand Ambassador
  • Contingent or Percentage Compensation of the Brand Ambassador
  • State for Venue and Choice Provisions

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