
100% Lawyer Drafted,Trusted by Creators

Highly specialized, but incredibly easy to use contracts, all drafted by entertainment and media lawyers for you to use in your creative work.

Fast, Simple & Secure

Our Guided Formbuilder and Word Style Editor is everything you need to build fully cusomized contracts in minutes. Personalize your contracts with your logo for a professional look and feel. Most contracts can be completed in less than 6 minutes!

Secure and Legally Binding eSignatures in
Minutes or Download the Word and PDF

Our secure eSignature system, powered by HelloSign gives you legally binding contracts done in minutes. You can also track views, opens and see exactly when signed in your own dashboard (included with any contract). You can also download in PDF for physical signature. You can also send to the other party or team members for review prior to signing.

Secure Storage Included with every Purchase

The Project Briefcase keeps all your drafts, purchased, and signed contracts in one secure and organized place. Access it anytime on all your devices.

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