Podcast Editing: How To Edit A Podcast (2022)

The question of ‘how to edit a podcast’ bothers many podcasters. There are various ways to handle your editing, from learning to use specific software to automating production with an app. It can be a frightening obstacle to overcome for many when it comes to beginning a show. Many wannabe podcasters put off worrying about how they’ll edit their podcast episodes before they release them. But it’s never been easier to do your own audio editing or hire someone (or anything) to do it for you. However, no rule says you have to edit your podcast or how you should go about it. It all relies on your personal style, substance, and target market.  

We’d like to show you many podcast editing options accessible to you right now.  

Your money and time limits will determine these, and if you prefer to learn new abilities or outsource the tasks you don’t want to undertake.  

Editing The Podcast: You Have Two Options 

Editing could be as simple as removing five seconds of silence from the beginning of your recording or as difficult as placing dozens of clips on a 20-channel multi-track session. Let’s start with two editing alternatives for retouching your episodes to determine the ideal technique. Every new podcaster usually starts with these methods. We prefer the combination of the two. 

Minimum effect editing 

Editing can be broken down into two easy phases.  

1) “top and tail”  

2) minimum processing 

Cutting the recording areas before and after the information begins and ends is referred to as “top and tail.” Don’t get your hands on anything in the middle. Everything is exactly as it was recorded. Volume standardization is the minimum processing. Locate the “amplify” tool within your podcast editing software and set it to -2db. Voila! 

Macro content edit 

Lastly, there is the “content edit” strategy. You make macro-cuts rather than time-consuming micro-cuts, deleting entire portions. 

This may be a long, rambling response from a visitor that doesn’t really add much to the conversation. Or perhaps your guest answered the question and then continued to explain it in a more lengthy manner. In such circumstances, remove the entire second half to save the listener time! 

Which one is the right method? 

There is no right or wrong way to edit a podcast! You may want to choose from the above two editing techniques, but ultimately it comes down to your own preferences and what works best for you. If you’re set on trying out a few different options, remember that the results may vary depending on what you record. If it’s a single-person discussion with a guest using a cellphone connection in a noisy environment, there is no guarantee that any of these methods will work! In short, the best way to edit a podcast is whatever method allows you to present your best for the greatest quality.  

You may even consider using more than one technique for the same episode depending on the kind of material you are recording. This is fine as long as you can quickly make your edits without leaving listeners hanging! 

Also Read: For Podcasters: 3 Legal Steps You Should Know and Consider 

Podcast Editing Rules To Keep In Mind  

  1. One factor that any podcaster should keep in mind when editing is to take into account how frequently your podcast is updated.  
  2. If you aren’t too keen on providing listeners with regular, new content, there isn’t much point in worrying about it.  
  3. If you are looking to impress devoted subscribers, then take the time to edit your podcast. The general rule is that the shorter, the better for a weekly or bi-weekly show.  
  4. If you’re blogging in real-time (or close to it), then you’ll need to cut down on superfluous information so listeners can get updates as soon as possible. it’s all about choosing your style and sticking to it.  
  5. You’ll need to ask yourself whether you want to record flexibly without editing or post-production skills that can make your podcast stand out.  

If you’re not sure, then go ahead and try both!  

Even if you decide that you no longer like either of these options, this is the only way you’ll find out. Another question to ask yourself is whether you’re likely to make any major changes to your show in the future. If so, post-production editing is probably a good idea because it may save time further down the line. The two techniques listed above are more about making minor adjustments or eliminations when they will be most effective. 

Best Podcast Editing Software for 2022 

It is vitally important to choose your podcast editing software carefully. What works for someone else may not work just as well for you. There are both free and premium options available depending on your needs, but the most popular paid-for programs include: 

  • Pro Tools ($400+) 
  • Adobe Audition ($20/month) 
  • Final Cut Pro ($300+) 
  • Garageband (free/ $400). 
  • Auphonic ($250+) 
  • Hindenburg($300+) 
  • Anchor($270+) 

Here are a few tutorials to help you with editing your podcast: 

Our Top Pick: The best and most powerful podcast editing tool is the Pro Tools. The Pro Tools is the most popular podcast editing software. It’s easy to use and helps you produce high-quality podcasts that sound great. With this Pro Tools, you can easily remove background noise, fix volume levels, and add intro/outro music. You can also cut and merge clips and adjust the playback speed. Plus, there are tons of other features to help you create the perfect podcast episode every time. 

Sharing Your Podcast Editing Workflow With Listeners 

It’s entirely up to you whether or not you want to share your podcast editing workflow with listeners. The truth is that they probably aren’t interested – at least not unless you are winning awards for “best audio production!” But, if you want to let them in on the magic behind the scenes, there’s no reason not to go ahead and do this. You can even try sharing a few steps of your editing if it helps them!  

Just remember that some fans may prefer to simply listen to your podcast as it is released without learning too much about what goes on behind the scenes. When you edit a podcast, you’re not just making it possible for listeners to enjoy your content- you’re also providing an important service. After all, most people don’t have the necessary skills or equipment to do this for themselves. You may even be saving listeners from a bad case of “pod-fatigue” when they hear audio that’s been edited poorly! 

Also Read: What You Need to Know Before Joining a Podcast Network? 

In terms of improving your podcasting career, editing is one of the quickest and simplest ways to bring yourself up to speed. Like all aspects of podcasting, it can be challenging at times. But when you get the basics right and work with the best editing software for your purposes, editing will go much more smoothly! 

Do I Need to Hire Someone To Edit My Podcast? 

Editing is one of the most important parts of the post-production process, and it can take time from several hours to several days depending on how long your show is and whether or not it has guests and music involved. But editing your podcast is a big part of the process, and it’s to make sure you’re putting out the best show that you can, so having a good editor for your podcast is extremely important.  

For people who are starting out producing their own content, the thought of having to hire someone for editing can be daunting. This job is easier if you have a legal contract with your podcast editor that is perfect and legally enforceable. A good contract protects both you and your editor, making sure everyone knows their responsibilities and what will happen if things go wrong. The contract makes sure both parties understand their responsibilities and rights from the beginning. It also includes information about payment terms and schedules as well as ownership of all audio files created during the editing process. The best part is that this contract is legally binding – so once signed by both parties, neither party can back out without facing legal consequences! 


Editing is one of the most important steps in making your show sound professional. Without editing, poor-quality audio will be replaced with music during post-production. Also, editing can take time away from producing future show episodes! 

If you are looking for more than just a podcast editor contract, try Creators’ Legal- the first and only legal platform for content creators. It is designed for content creators to get simple, straightforward, and trustworthy contracts in a fast, easy-to-use platform. With a powerful form builder, a secure e-signature system, and your own personalized dashboard to store and organize all your contracts you can get yourself protected in minutes without the need for expensive entertainment lawyers! Want to learn more? Check out CreatorsLegal.com, where you can get all contracts for your creation!   


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