3 Steps for When Your Client Refuses to Sign Your Contract

Getting a client is always exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. When you get a new client, it means that someone trusts you and your skills. It is an important income opportunity. For freelancers or content creators, acquiring clients is not an easy thing, especially for beginners. At times like this, your job security is a must, so make sure that before you proceed with your transaction, there is a contract in place. 

But what if your client refuses to sign the contract you just prepared? Is it over? What do you need to do next? Whatever your industry, do not panic yet. Here are the things you can do:

Step 1: Understand Their Reason

You would not know the best way to deal with this incident if you do not know what problem you are dealing with. Clients refuse to sign a contract for many reasons. It could be because they spot unreasonable causes or think the agreement might be harmful to them. They also do not immediately sign a contract if they want to make negotiations. 

To know the real reason, contact them and ask directly. Doing so would also increase your rapport with your client and show your interest in the project. You can ask through email exchanges or phone calls. Make sure that if you choose the latter, you can still document everything through an email summary. 

What You Should Do if a Client Withholds Payment(Opens in a new browser tab)

Step 2: Try to Negotiate

There is a high chance that your client would only reconsider your contract if all clauses seem favorable to them. You can still try to negotiate with them. Remember that negotiation can allow both parties to benefit from the process. 

You can make adjustments from your end but make sure that you still must protect yourself and your business. If you are not confident in properly dealing with the changes, consider seeking the help of a lawyer. They know how to reduce the risk for your business.

Contracts for Freelancers: 5 Key Points You Can’t Miss (Opens in a new browser tab)

Step 3: Find a New Client

If you feel that the client is being unreasonable or not willing to come to a compromise with you, it would be better to let go of the project. As a service provider, you should be treated as a partner. Your goal is to help with their business, and they should treat you with enough respect and trust. 

Usually, a client refusing to sign any contract is already a red flag if the terms were favorable. Make sure to think about your decision thoroughly.

The Wrap

Whether you decide to pursue the project or not, always remember that keeping every discussion and transaction documented is important. Keeping receipts can save you later should you need proof. Also, make sure that you stay professional and respectful throughout the process. That way, they have nothing bad to say about you or your business. 

Make sure that the contracts you send from the start are foolproof. If you need help, Creators Legal has easy-to-use, straightforward, and trustworthy contracts for content creators. You can access and edit our content lawyer-drafted content anytime and anywhere. Sign up now!

Creators Legal is the first and only legal platform build just for Content Creators. Get simple, straightforward, and trustworthy creator contracts in a fast, easy-to-use platform. With a powerful guided Form Builder, a secure e-signature system, and your own personalized dashboard to store and organize all your contracts, you can get yourself protected in minutes without the need for expensive entertainment lawyers!

Want to learn more? Check out CreatorsLegal.com, where you can get single use contracts or monthly and annual subscriptions on all contracts for creators! Try us now!

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