Aligning Your Values with Brand Sponsors

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Getting sponsorship is one of the key ways to boost engagement of an event, as well as manage expenses. A major event is an excellent opportunity for sponsors to get brand exposure while you provide attendees with a great experience. To get great deals, you need to consider aligning your values with brands. 

 Corporations have noticed that influencer marketing and sponsorships are a great way to promote products and events.  Since they allow brands to target customer segments more effectively, these methods make good use of advertising dollars in a smart, efficient way. Consumers will be able to see interest in an event or cause, which will allow them to gain trust.

The Importance of a Legal Contract

A solid, reliable legal contract template is crucial at this stage because they allow fairness for everyone involved. Budget is vital on multiple levels, but so is the protection of everyone. Many companies can always offer a nice chunk of change but it’s key to not just sign on to the first seemingly golden opportunity that comes up.

Working out the details and putting them down on paper is crucial because it’s your event. Your branding is more on the line than anything… and so is your overall reputation. It wouldn’t be a stretch at this point to say that those are practically priceless, right?

What is the best way to go about the correct, appropriate sponsors for an event? There are multiple steps and options and routes to take when it comes to this. The key, however, lies in values.

In negotiations, why is it important to consider the values of the sponsor brand?

It’s key to make sure that the values of the company or organization looking to sponsor your event to align with yours. Are you putting together an event that’s all about healthy living, yoga, and plant-based food? It would be the wrong move to get a sponsor that sells 100% pure beef patty burgers. On the other hand, ff a vegan meat brand is interested, you could seek a partnership. Similarly, if your company or organization has a reputation for being adventurous and rugged, then a durable hiking shoe brand will be a much better sponsor fit than a bookstore.

Luckily, it’s actually not that hard to do research. The mission statement and overall values of a company or organization are usually on its official website. Look into this and explore their social media before signing any contracts. That way, you can make sure that what you’re getting yourself into accurately reflects your brand and you. There’s definitely more to it than just an exchange of fees for services provided.

The Wrap

When looking for event sponsors, choosing brands with values that align with yours is crucial to success. Check their mission statement and values on their official website and do your research. When you have found the sponsor or sponsors for you, don’t forget to have proper contracts. It’s necessary to have a solid, fair contract for a creator of content to use when dealing with companies.

Are you looking for help with a simple contract agreement?

Creators Legal is the first and only legal platform built just for Content Creators. Get simple, straightforward, and trustworthy creator contracts in a fast, easy-to-use platform. With a powerful guided Form Builder, a secure e-signature system, and your own personalized dashboard to store and organize all your contracts, you can get yourself protected in minutes without the need for expensive entertainment lawyers! 

Get single-use contracts or monthly and annual subscriptions on all contracts for creators with Creators Legal. 

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