How to Protect Your Production Company during a Pandemic?

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, many sectors were forced to shut down. Among all of them, the entertainment industry took a massive blow because ongoing productions were shut down to prevent the further spread of the virus.

A year later, the world is slowly healing, and many productions were able to resume, provided they have safety and health protocols in place. If not, the production company will be liable for the spread of the virus on their set. For this reason, many production companies go to great lengths just to protect themselves.

This article lists down some tips that can help safeguard a production company during the coronavirus pandemic. Read on below to get started.

Do a Proper Risk Assessment

During the pandemic, two things were never in short supply: panic and confusion.

If an outbreak happens during your production, you need to think carefully about how you can minimize your exposure to the virus. One of the best things to do is a proper risk assessment to work out every possible contingency. Every production needs to be prepared to handle an outbreak, which is a fact that is no longer debatable.

Also Read: Liability Waivers in the Pandemic: A Producer’s Guide Part 1

Make Sure You Have the Necessary Safety Equipment

It would be a huge mistake to assume that the security and safety requirements are the same set of standards you have when you are not filming in a pandemic situation. Just because the room is sanitary does not mean you can leave to go for a break.

If possible, find out what medical supplies are already on the site or nearby and how many people are present to help you out if the need arises. It is also a good idea to have an evacuation plan in place if you have no other choice but to leave the location.

Have the Production Team Vaccinated

It is a good idea to get everyone vaccinated before filming. Not only will you be safe, but you can also keep your colleagues protected as well.

In addition, look into the legality of having a second set of vaccines in your possession. With the proper documentation, you will have no problem carrying it when going to the film location.

Choose the Right Filming Location

This is a big part of any production, and in terms of keeping yourself safe, choosing the right set should be one of your top priorities.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is still possible for a virus to arrive in the air even if the set is physically enclosed. For this reason, you should always look for the most isolated place where you can work comfortably. The last thing you want is to close the set when you’re in the middle of filming.

Also Read: Liability Waivers in the Pandemic: A Producer’s Guide Part 2

Maintain Good Hygiene

This is a big part of staying healthy and avoiding the spread of a virus. The size of your production crew is much larger after the COVID-19 pandemic. So you should make sure that everyone is aware of the importance of maintaining good hygiene.

Ensure that everyone wears disposable plastic gloves and a face mask, especially when working with equipment that the virus can infect. This includes anything from the camera to the freshwater.

Have a Closed Set

Unless you have the proper safety checks and protocols in place, you should work with a closed set.

You should always work with a closed set to keep people who do not belong in the filming crew out of the set. This is necessary because no one who is not part of the production should be exposed to the possibility of coming into contact with a virus, including your team.

Have a Right Contract in Place

The COVID-19 Liability Waiver For Independent Film Production contract can help limit the liability issues in the production. The contract is a liability waiver, which is to be filled and signed by all the cast and crew. As you know, film production during a pandemic has been a different experience; limiting liability for the production company is crucial.

The Wrap Up

With these tips and procedures, you will be able to work through a period of filming in a pandemic situation and come out relatively unscathed. The world has changed since the outbreak. No longer does anyone take the safety and health of workers for granted, and the crew’s safety is now more important than the production itself.

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