How To Make Amazing Videos Using Your iPhone

Films were once limited to the purview of blockbuster cinemas and exclusive to bigshots like Hollywood. Yet, with the growth of technology and people’s increasing ingenuity, it is now possible to produce A-lister videos, animations, or movies with their trusty iPhone or iPad.  

One smart device is all it takes to capture a compelling story in what feels like a technicolor dreamscape, especially when you consider the stunning indie film “Tangerine” by Sean Baker to Steven Soderbergh’s “Unsane.”  

This creativity tool challenges an artist’s ability to think outside the box and maximize what they have on hand. Nonetheless, there are crucial guidelines that ensure you can produce something Hollywood-worthy. Stay with us, learn some tips to make videos using your iPhone, and rock at it! 


Tip #1: Achieve a Seamless Flow by Editing on a Computer  

This tech revolution is skyrocketing. We have more technology now than many of us know how to use. And that applies to video and video editing on your PC. Nowadays, you don’t need thousands of dollars to rent a bulky camera to capture a great scene; you can improve the visual impact by editing, and for that, you can use your desktop.  

While there are mobile versions, editing software on high-powered computers offers way more features and flexibility than mobile editing apps. Get Hollywood-quality post-production tools at your fingertips with editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro, CyberLink Power Director, Final Cut Pro (for Mac), and DaVinci Resolve.  

Top tools like Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro might set the industry standard for video editors; however, there are tons of alternatives that don’t demand monthly subscriptions or lifetime licenses. Some of the very best even offer free software for editing videos without watermarks —ideal for YouTube content creators just starting out.   


Tip #2: Always Look for the Best Lighting  

Many film cameras capture sequences in sharp detail, even when the setting looks dim. But keep in mind that iPhones, and other smaller devices, have tiny sensors compared to professional-grade cameras. It means you need to work in a place with a good light source. Likewise, you can use reflectors to add a dramatic flair to the shot.  

It’s also worth investing in low-budget accessories such as a clamp lamp work light. These aids give you better control over the light’s intensity. Of course, you can always resort to using high-powered compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs. Those household light sources can really set the mood for your indoor scenes.  

You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars to get the right equipment and light up your scenes. There are many ways in which you can make your own lights. This means you can get a professional feel with just a few bucks!  


Tip #3: Sound Is Everything, So Get It Right 

Another huge factor that can make or mar your iPhone video or film’s quality is the sound. One of the great things about sound design is that it doesn’t matter if you shoot on an iPhone or one of the best 4k cameras. You can change the sound design of your film up until the very last edit. 

Even 4K resolution movies won’t pack a punch if the sound quality is muddy, so it’s important to record everything crisply and clearly. While adding a voice-over is the easy way out of this problem, you can also buy an affordable lavalier microphone for better sound quality.  


Tip # 4:  Transitions and Cuts 

After mastering the art of cuts and transitions, your movie will stand out in so many ways. A large amount of footage is always beneficial, as it will allow you to experiment with cuts and transitions on different takes.   

Perhaps one shot will naturally blend into the next, or maybe it will seamlessly dissolve away. You don’t have to be a professional video editor to add some pizzazz to your project. You just need some creativity and go with the flow. 


The Wrap  

You don’t need to be a heavy-hitter on Hollywood to create good films, especially since current technology makes it possible to produce equally compelling art without expensive equipment.   

Influencers, independent filmmakers, or freelancers who want to produce videos on a tight budget can do it all using their iPhones or iPads. That is, you just need to do your part and push your imagination to the limit.   

As we know, making movies is a team effort. So, you will need a great group of people to help you with everything. Our Independent Film Category covers all the essential contracts to get your film up and running without worrying about future legal issues. 


Are You a Creator Looking for Straightforward Contracts?  

Freelancers, influencers, and other creators find it tricky to handle the legal side of their artistic endeavors. As you know, working independently means you are the one to manage contracts. Having this in mind, in Creators Legal, we take away the guesswork behind your contract-building process, so you can focus on what you love to do!   

We strive to help kickstart your career in content creation. Get in touch with us today and see how we can refine your simple contract agreements and reinforce the security of your future projects. 


Creators Legal is the first and only legal platform for content creators. We designed a platform just for content creators to craft simple, straightforward, and trustworthy contracts in a fast, easy-to-use platform. With a powerful form builder, a secure e-signature system, and your own personalized dashboard to store and organize all your contracts, you can get yourself protected in minutes without the need for expensive entertainment lawyers! 

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