The Significance of Arbitration Clauses

When you are a content creator, every business relationship you enter will have certain details that need to be specified.    For example, what happens if one party breaches the contract? What if one party refuses to fulfill its obligations? How will disputes between the contracting parties be resolved?   Whether you create content for […]

5 Legal Lessons for Independent Filmmakers: Avoid These Common Mistakes

As an independent filmmaker, you want to focus on planning, creation, funding, and other elements that make or break a film production.  But there’s something that not every filmmaker takes into account when making an audiovisual production: protection of legal rights.   There are common mistakes that can jeopardize the success of your film production. Therefore, […]

Tax Considerations For Digital Creators

Tax Day is Coming! Yes, Tax Day is coming up, and taxes are simply a fact of life and certainly a fact of doing business. If you are a creator and earning money, you are doing business and going to need to pay the taxes on the money you earn. This is regardless of whether […]

4 Things Your Freelance Contracts Need to Include

One of the greatest things you can do as a freelancer is to pick and choose any of the jobs you want, how often you want to work, where you want to work, and more. Of course, this also comes with something a little terrifying: responsibility. When you’re out there working on your terms, you […]

The Basics of Actor Release Forms For Your Independent Projects

When you’re ready to take your independent films to the next level by hiring actors, budding filmmakers know how exciting and daunting the process can be since it involves directing talents with more industry experience. It’s a great step forward that allows young creatives to feel how filmmaking works in the real world, but it […]

What to Know About an Independent Contractor Agreement

As an independent contractor, also known as a freelancer, the type of career you’re pursuing is constantly evolving. It’s easy to get lost in the contracts you have, and this can be troublesome. Here comes an independent contractor agreement—an ironclad document that outlines the details of work and other necessary information on compensation, deliverables, and […]

What Makes An Independent Contractor Agreement Essential?

Work-for-Hire Agreements

Projects like a marketing campaign or product launch always require the services of a content creator. If a company doesn’t have the manpower to create content in-house, however, they will have to outsource. The process of working with an independent contractor begins with searching for the right fit and working out the terms and agreements. […]

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