Creators Legal 3.0. Our new version is live!

We are so pleased to announce that Creators Legal Ver. 3.0 has finally been released! Many customers have already benefited from the customization in the original version; however, this truly expands the ease of use of Creators Legal. We keep adapting and updating our website and solution to fit your needs better. What’s new? Fully […]

Tax Considerations For Digital Creators

Tax Day is Coming! Yes, Tax Day is coming up, and taxes are simply a fact of life and certainly a fact of doing business. If you are a creator and earning money, you are doing business and going to need to pay the taxes on the money you earn. This is regardless of whether […]

How To Become A Brand Ambassador (2022)

brand ambassadors

The most powerful method to connect with others has always been through stories. What makes social media so effective is the urge to tell one’s experience and be surrounded by listeners. Corporations are forming relationships with these “storytellers” on social media today to go forward with their marketing strategies. These storytellers are those who already […]

The Ultimate Proof of Ownership for Every Artist and Creator

Proof of Ownership for Every Artist and Creator

Is there something like The Ultimate Proof of Ownership for Every Artist and Creator? First of all, we have to consider the Chain of Title in a project. This is one of the most important aspects of ownership in an entertainment property.   But what is Chain of Title?   In the entertainment and creator industries […]

Startup Venture Creators Legal Targets Content Producers With Online Contract Services

To read the original article on Variety, click here. Longtime attorney Eric Farber has launched Creators Legal, an online platform that offers contract templates and other dealmaking tools designed for content creators. Creators Legal offers a range of industry-standard contracts, as well as the ability to sign and store agreements in a “digital briefcase.” The […]

Can You Still Make Money on TikTok?

can you still Make money on tik tok

TikTok’s popularity on social media platforms is unstoppable in the business world. With its collection of fun, short, and trendy videos, TikTok has captivated the attention of over 1.4 billion active users worldwide by 2023. This remarkable feat demonstrates that TikTok’s momentum shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. In fact, it continues to flourish, making it a valuable platform for businesses to explore and leverage.

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