Tax Considerations For Digital Creators

Tax Day is Coming! Yes, Tax Day is coming up, and taxes are simply a fact of life and certainly a fact of doing business. If you are a creator and earning money, you are doing business and going to need to pay the taxes on the money you earn. This is regardless of whether […]

What Are the Key Elements in a Web Series Contract?

Filmmaking is less glamorous than most people would think. Of course, there are glamorous aspects like hearing your lines read aloud and performed by great actors. The pleasure of a well-composed shot elevates the overall worth of the production. It can even lead to a film festival acceptance email. However, the stage that focuses on […]

How to Create a Web Series in a Few Easy Steps

The distribution of content has drastically changed over the past twenty years. Great creators no longer have to rely on traditional film and TV to get their work out to the public. Anyone with a camera, a great eye, and some talent can get their work out. YouTube has been a game-changer for independent filmmakers […]

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